I'm taking Calculus 2 from a man with the thickest Chinese accent I have ever heard. I could listen to him say the word "derivative" all day long. And my Ethics teacher has a really thick British accent, which becomes incredibly annoying when I realize that I am reading with a British accent in my head...
I have finally stared to do some programming at my work! It is pretty exciting to get do to what I love! And good to know that I actually still enjoy doing it. I feel like I have learned more in these few last weeks of work then I have in a whole semester. Crazy.
So you know how I had all these ambitious crafting goals? I have done 0. I am currently trying to muster up the confidence to re-stain the table we have. It is Dallas' greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreat grandma's table. Maybe not that many greats... but it is very old and is a family heirloom! So I don't want to screw this up guys. I have the sander, the stain... and all the other things... but have not done it yet. It is hard too because we don't really have a good working space. I mean the sanding will be fine and I can do that outside, but I want to spray paint the legs and chairs black which I can't do in our tiny apartment, and I can't do it outside because the paint will bubble in the sun! So I am not really sure what to do...
Anyways, Dallas I had a wonderful summer and I will fill you all in later on some of the fun stuff we did!
And I promised you a picture of the adorable sleepy kitty when he steals my pillow. This is why I can't kick him off.
He is too cute. |